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Michael Walls
0407 783 413

Monday, 25 November 2013 17:27

Tax consequences of creating Christmas cheer

By Michelle Hartman

Director | Deloitte Tax Services

WHILE our economy is still recovering and the festive season is fast approaching, here are some tax tips for celebrating the festive season.

Monday, 25 November 2013 10:13

Social media the key to customer feedback

MORE than 8 in 10 Australian businesses are acting on feedback given through social media and review sites to improve the services they offer, according to research from American Express.

Sunday, 17 November 2013 18:48

Two Rags Clothing wins Deloitte pitch event

PARTNERS from professional services firm Deloitte have put social entrepreneurs through their paces to try and identify innovative approaches to achieve social change.

The Central Coast Sun covers the business and community issues of the NSW Central Coast region. The Central Coast Sun is a prime media source for connecting with the pulse of the region and tapping into it's vast opportunities.