21 January 2025
A WOMAN from Erina has admitted she couldn’t stop jogging on the spot in excitement today after discovering she became a newly-minted Saturday Lotto multi-millionaire two weeks ago.
The Central Coast resident held one of the 14 division one winning entries nationally in Saturday Lotto draw 4535, drawn Saturday 4 January 2025. Each entry scored $2,142,872.10.
If the winner had been part of The Lott Members Club and registered her ticket to a player card or online account, she would have already been alerted to her newfound treasure.
The newly-crowned multi-millionaire revealed her initial plans for the prize, beginning with a visit to the optometrist and the orthodontist.
The division one winning entry was purchased at Nextra Erina Market, Shop T094 Erina Fair, 620 - 658 Terrigal Drive, Erina.
21 January 2025
Round 9 of the Federal Labor Government’s Stronger Communities Programme is now open and accepting Expressions of Interest (EOIs).
The Stronger Communities Programme supports the Australian Government’s commitment to deliver social benefits in communities across Australia by funding projects in each of the 151 Federal electorates.
The program provides grants for community projects to strengthen and benefit local communities and is part of the Government’s 2024-25 budget initiatives.
Federal Member for Robertson, Dr Gordon Reid MP said: “I welcome the announcement by the Federal Labor Government that Round 9 of the Stronger Communities Programme is now open.
“I am encouraging eligible organisations to review the grant opportunity guidelines and consider completing an EOI.
“The Stronger Communities Programme has assisted many not-for-profit organisations over the past several years.
To find out more information and to download an EOI form visit https://drgordonreidmp.com.au/community-support/stronger-communities-programme-round-9/
Further department information is available here: https://business.gov.au/grants-and-programs/stronger-communities-programme-round-9
You can also call and speak with department staff on 13 28 46 or you can call my office on (02) 4322 2400.
The expression of interest period ends on Monday, February 25, 2025, and forms will need to be returned to Gordon.Reid.MP@aph.gov.au
08 January 2025
Rollercoaster ride of surprise and fun
A ROLLERCOASTER ride of laughter, surprise and genuine amazement, Hypnotist Matt Hale brings his remixed show Top Fun! to The Art House for their Summer@ The Art House program.