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Michael Walls
0407 783 413

Major milestone for popular club
GOSFORD RSL marked a major milestone this week, celebrating one year since opening the doors to its brand-new club building.


THE NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) welcomes the NSW Government’s gambling reform consultation papers but stresses that mandatory cashless gaming remains the most effective harm-minimization tool. The papers propose facial recognition technology and a third-party exclusion register to help problem gamblers. While NCOSS supports these measures, CEO Cara Varian urges a statewide exclusion register and calls on the government to implement mandatory cashless gaming as recommended by experts.


A MONASH University study has ranked Tasmania and Hobart as Australia’s healthiest places to live, while Darwin and the Northern Territory ranked the unhealthiest. The Environmental Quality Health Index (EQHI) assesses air quality, green spaces, climate, and socioeconomic factors to measure health risks. Coastal regions generally scored higher than inland areas. The study highlights the need for targeted improvements in lower-scoring regions to reduce health risks and promote wellbeing across Australia.


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The Central Coast Sun covers the business and community issues of the NSW Central Coast region. The Central Coast Sun is a prime media source for connecting with the pulse of the region and tapping into it's vast opportunities.