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How Danny's passion for fitness saved him
22 July 2018 Posted by 

How Danny's passion for fitness saved him

WHEN his best mate died suddenly, and his marriage broke down, Erina local Danny Pearson was in a bad place.

But his passion for health and fitness helped him through – and now he is sharing that passion with other Coasties as owner of Australian Sports Nutrition Erina.
“Within the space of two months my best mate suddenly passed away and my marriage broke down after 12 years together,” Mr Pearson said.
“What followed was a difficult period for me where I struggled to get motivated - it was health and fitness that helped me to refocus.
“I was already passionate about it and I used this passion to help me move forward when I felt like I couldn’t. I want to be able to help others to tap into that energy. The power of fitness is amazing.”
Mr Pearson started off as a customer of ASN, working his way up through the ranks in Sydney and Newcastle to become a manager, and is now the owner of the Erina outlet.
He gave up a high-paying job in electrical wholesales to pursue his passion for fitness and hasn’t looked back.
HIs dream has always been to return to the Central Coast, where he was raised, to bring his skills, knowledge and experience, particularly from the ASN Newcastle and
Darlinghurst stores, back home to empower locals to make positive changes.
“It’s all about community to me. I always valued it when I was growing up on the Coast, missed it when I moved away, and now I want to be a part of building these local connections and driving positive change through ASN Erina, especially now that my partner and I are expecting our first child,” he said.
“It’s amazing how quickly life can turn around when you stay positive.
“To me, ASN is more than just a store that sells fitness products. It is an opportunity to change lifestyles and help others to reach their goals – whether it is to get healthier or win a fitness competition.”
One 29-year-old male customer lost 15.2 kilograms and placed third in the ANB ASN Newcastle classic in the muscle model category, with Mr Pearson’s support.
He then went on to take out other fitness awards.
With a keen interest in a range of sports and fitness activities including rugby union, CrossFit, boxing and martial arts, Mr Pearson is involved with Ourimbah Rugby Union Club as a player and ASN Erina supports the team through products, seminars and advice.
The ASN Erina store also supports Terrigal Sharks Rugby Union Club, Central Coast Mixed Martial Arts and UFC fighter, Ross Pearson.
The store is open 10am to 6pm every day at 210 The Entrance Rd, Erina. Details: 4365 5393.



Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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