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16 December 2017 Posted by 


Minister praises success of The Plan
STATE Planning Minister Anthony Roberts has given the Central Coast a big tick in the first annual monitoring report on the Regional Plan 2036.
The report was announced in Friday and ‘The Plan” is on track to making the coast one of the nation’s biggest growth areas within 20 years. 
Major gains in housing and job opportunities are the highlights of the first year of the government’s 20-year blueprint for our region. 
It is great news for the thousands of businesses relying on the coast to boom. And for employees in our region and people looking for work, it is also good news
Mr Roberts said the Regional Plan had already delivered big gains for the region and was delivering on the promise to revitalise Gosford and the Central Coast. 
“In just its first year, the Regional Plan has enabled the approval of about 1600 homes and the construction of more than ,000 for the people of the Central Coast,” Mr Roberts said. 
“We’ve also identified more than 1800 hectares of industrial land that could lead to $66m in investment to generate new local jobs. 
“This great work is just the beginning. The Regional Plan is set to deliver much more over 20 years to ensure a thriving, vibrant coastal community.” 
Other achievements of the first year include: 
Issuing Gateway Determinations (decisions on planning proposals) with potential for 420 jobs and 800 dwellings;
The Government Architect tasked to oversee the revitalisation of the Gosford CBD; 
Supporting the Gosford Hospital health and wellbeing centre and University of the Newcastle Central Coast Medical School and Research Institute to the tune of $350M. 
The Department of Planning and Environment’s Coordinator General for Central Coast Lee Shearer and Parliamentary Secretary for Planning and the Central Coast Scot MacDonald joined Mr Roberts outside the soon-to-be-opened Regional Plan Information Centre and inter-departmental work hub in Gosford’s CBD. 
Mr MacDonald said the Information Centre, due to open in early 2018, “will be an interactive space where members of the public will be able to see how the Regional Plan will impact their day-to-day lives”. 
“The centre will include information about the work of the Government Architect on a framework for revitalising the city centre.” 
Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch said: “We know that the next decade is an exciting time for the Central Coast. The Regional Plan has set out a strong framework for employment and residential housing. This new centre will provide easy access to the public in the future.” 
Ms Shearer said the flexible work hub was a partnership between the Department and Property NSW that will provide flexible workspaces for Government employees from a range of state agencies. 
The pilot will test shared office systems ahead of the construction of a Department of Finance, Services and Innovation building near the Waterfront. 
“The work hub is an example of our goal to grow jobs on the Central Coast, promote work/life balance, relieve pressure on transport infrastructure and activate the Gosford City Centre in line with the current work being undertaken by the Government Architect,” Ms Shearer said.


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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