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Artist impression of the new look Goisford. Artist impression of the new look Goisford. Featured
21 October 2018 Posted by 


Framework to drive city investment
THE State Government released the final Government Architect report and a suite of new planning controls for the revitalisation of the Gosford City Centre last week amid much fanfare.

But details around just who will have final authority to green light development applications to bring the vision to life remain muddy.
Planning and Housing Minister Anthony Roberts stressed that the Government had listened to the community’s comments and ideas and incorporated them in a final series of measures that would pave the way for the Gosford of the future, with gazettal of the Gosford City State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) set for this week.
But Central Coast Mayor Jane Smith said she was disappointed that the Government had not given enough consideration to points raised by the council and by the community through council.
“I understand they have made some changes but am not convinced concerns regarding overshadowing, view corridors, car parking and height controls have been fully addressed,” Cr Smith said.
“Although the SEPP is to be gazetted this week, some procedural issues are still to be sorted.Having said that, we are keen to work with government to make sure we get best outcome for community.”
Council concerns
Minister Roberts waved aside questions on council’s concerns by saying planning controls were largely in line with controls previously set by the former Gosford Council and that this was a “great opportunity” for the council to come on board the revitalisation train.
Cr Smith makes the point that the council has long been “on board”, with $1.8B of development approvals granted as evidenced by the plethora of cranes already signalling significant works underway in the CBD.
“Council is already well and truly on the case,” she said.
Mr Roberts’ message was clear though – more needs to be happening.
“Today we are putting in place the framework to drive further investment, attract new residents, business, tourists, cultural activity and jobs to Gosford,” he said.
“We have addressed many of the issues raised by community stakeholders and we want these same stakeholders to be involved in the delivery of the revitalisation plans.”
Acting NSW Government Architect Olivia Hyde said the final Gosford City Centre Urban Design Framework (UDF) mapped out a design-led, place-based revitalisation process that focuses on public domain renewal as well as connectivity between the three core areas of Gosford City Centre.
City North will connect Gosford Hospital (newly renovated thanks to a $400M State Government funding injection) to the city across the rail corridor, City South will make stronger links between the city and the waterfront parklands and Civic Heart will focus on Kibble Park and surrounds.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter and Central Coast, Scot MacDonald, said attention had been paid to the desire to protect sunlight access to public open spaces, including
Leagues Club Field and Kibble Park, and views to Brisbane Water and the bushland of Rumbalara Reserve and Presidents Hill.
Seeds sown
Mr Roberts said the new plans would incentivise development, the seeds for which had already been sown with the Government’s $52M commitment to upgrade vital water and sewer infrastructure and public domain in the city centre.
The SEPP will remain a stand-alone state policy until Central Coast Council completes its comprehensive Local Environmental Plan (LEP).
At the helm of implementing the revitalisation plans will be the newly merged Hunter and Central Coast Development Corporation (HCCDC) under the leadership of CEO Michael Cassel who has been instrumental in leading change and transforming Newcastle into a vibrant, dynamic and thriving hub of the Hunter Region.
One of the first projects to be addressed will be Leagues Club Field, which is set to be upgraded and developed into a regional playground, thanks to a Government pledge of $10M made in May.
The HCCDC is assessing community feedback on the project, which is seen as a key deliverable of the Government Architect’s UDF.
Detailed work still needs to be done, but the aim is to attract people for recreational purposes and bring families into Gosford.
Cr Smith said council staff would be taking an interest and providing feedback on the project as it progresses.
“Since this is crown land, I think council has a key role on what is being proposed for the park,” she said.
“I plan on meeting with Mr Cassel in the near future and expect a good working relationship with him.”.

Coordinator General for the Central Coast Lee Shearer, who was instrumental in bringing all stakeholders around the table to pave the way, will now focus on the continued delivery of other priority projects of the Central Coast Regional Plan 2036 (Regional Plan).
More details:



Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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