Welcome to the Central Coast Sun

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23 June 2017 Posted by 


Showcasing our growing region
THE big day is here at last for business on the Central Coast with the launch of the Central Coast Business Access (CCBA) publication and web site.
The launch is the culmination of months of planning by a professional, dedicated team based right here on the coast. It is an exciting, exhilarating time for everyone involved.
And we are delighted to share that exuberance with you.
When the management of the successful Western Sydney Business Access (WSBA) went looking for a new area to expand its operations, there were three essential ingredients to consider.
Firstly, the new region needed to have the potential for massive growth similar to that being experienced in Sydney’s western suburbs. WSBA has evolved into a sought-after journal among business people and those seeking a quality take on regional news and events. 
Secondly, it had to have a large number of businesses and projects being run by local people who were passionate about their region and welcomed a voice that told the story of their region.
And thirdly, their needed to be a potential market for a quality publication and website to service the news and information needs of the chosen region. 
Add to this the fact that a dedicated management team was available right here on the coast and the Central Coast met all criteria with flying colours.
Editorially, CCBA will be a positive media influence in the region, supporting and promoting growth. Our writers are the “best in the business”. 
Our advertising and management team has worked for major national media groups and is ideally suited to design a marketing plan for businesses across the B2B spectrum and beyond. 
Each month, a minimum pf 6,000 copies will be distributed FREE across 120 strategic distribution points on the Coast.
Each edition is available for 24/7 viewing from  the homne page of this website..
We have major plans for CCBA in the coming months, providing exclusive feature opportunities for specialist businesses and community organisations.
So, welcome to our new CCBA publication: May we all prosper together. 
Don’t hesitate to visit our Facebookj page and like us or share tyour insights and feedback. www.facebook.com/Central-Coast-Business-Access\
Feel free to reach out direct to any of our staff. See information panel this page for details. 


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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The Central Coast Sun covers the business and community issues of the NSW Central Coast region. The Central Coast Sun is a prime media source for connecting with the pulse of the region and tapping into it's vast opportunities.