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Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull congratulates Trent on his maiden speech. Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull congratulates Trent on his maiden speech. Featured
05 March 2016 Posted by 


Supporting innovation is the priority

FEDERAL Member for North Sydney, Trent Zimmerman, has delivered his Maiden Speech to Parliament, describing the electorate as the new centre for innovation which will continue to help drive economic growth across the region.

In his address to the House of Representatives on March 2, Mr Zimmerman outlined his vision for the electorate, saying it was now “home to many businesses that will play a growing role in our future economy – particularly in the service and innovation sectors.”

“For me the great challenges for this Parliament are how we maintain growth and improve economic productivity to ensure that we can preserve the living standards that set us apart from most of the world,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“We face the challenge of reforming the tax system to ensure that it remains internationally competitive in a global economy where capital and increasingly labour are so mobile. And our innovation sectors offer the potential for Australia to be at the cutting edge of high-value industries and products that will support growth and employment for coming generations.

“My electorate is well placed to capitalise on these opportunities. Already the North Sydney CBD is fast becoming a centre for IT firms and industry – as one CEO put it to me – its set to become Sydney’s ‘silicon alley’.

“A priority for me will be to work with all three levels of government to promote our part of Sydney as a centre for innovation and ensure our businesses – large and small - can take advantages of the doors being opened by growth in the Asia-Pacific.”


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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