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17 March 2021 Posted by 


MEMBER for The Entrance, David Mehan, has welcomed the news that The Entrance Police Station is to receive a much needed upgrade.
During a recent budget estimates hearing, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, David Elliot was forced to admit that the dilapidated station was to be upgraded.
Mr Mehan’s Labor colleagues pressed the Minister to confirm that the station renovations were to happen but he would not say when, taking the question on notice which requires an answer be provided within 21 days.
Mr Mehan has been pushing for the upgrade for some time now as the station has deteriorated and is in much need of attention both internally and externally.
“I am pleased to see our parliamentary processes are working and that my colleagues were able to pressure the Minister into making this promise to The Entrance electorate,” said Mr Mehan.
“This upgrade is long overdue and I plan on keeping up the pressure on the NSW government to ensure that it keeps its promises to our community.”
“Our Police Officers every day go above and beyond to serve our community."


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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