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LET'S DO THIS..... Featured
29 August 2021 Posted by 


Campaign launched to boost vaccination
THE NSW Government has launched the next phase of its statewide COVID-19 advertising campaign aimed at encouraging people across NSW to get vaccinated.
Minister for Digital and Customer Service Victor Dominello said the ‘Let’s Do This’ campaign is designed to encourage people to get their COVID-19 vaccinations so we can all get back to doing the things we love.
“NSW has done it tough over the last 18 months but we can’t lose sight of what we’re all aiming for, which is to open the state back up again,” Mr Dominello said.
“This ad hopes to capture what we’re working towards and the importance vaccinations play in that recovery.”
The campaign will include metropolitan and regional television and newspapers, as well as radio, digital, social media and out of home advertising across NSW from Sunday, August 29 with material translated into 19 languages and adapted for Aboriginal media channels.
“NSW recently passed six and a half million vaccinations and it’s vital we keep this momentum going,” Mr Dominello said.
“Vaccinations don’t just protect ourselves, our family, our friends and our community – they will get us back doing the things we love to do.
“Anyone that is yet to make a booking for their first vaccination can get online and book an appointment.”
COVID-19 vaccines are free for everyone in Australia regardless of Medicare or visa status and are available to book at more than 2,000 locations in NSW including GPs, pharmacies, and NSW Health vaccination clinics.


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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