North Entrance beach suffered serious erosion during May/June 2020 storms which resulted in the construction of emergency protection works on the beach to protect homes located there.
The emergency protection works comprise a rock wall located at the toe of the erosion scarp with geotextile fabric placed on the scarp to resist further erosion. Sand was then placed to cover the work and reinstate the dune.
Recent storms have exposed the rock wall and further erosion has occurred at the south end of the wall which has seen the dune eroded another 10-15 metres, Mr Mehan said.
Residents believe the rock groyne constructed on The Entrance Beach in 2017 may be contributing to the erosion problem and want to see the rock wall extended.
Transport for NSW in responding to a question asked by Mr Mehan in the NSW Parliament, have advised a study into the groyne is being undertaken.
Mr Mehan called for the study to be made public and the squarely address the concern of North Entrance residents.
He has also called for the State Government and Council to work together to improve the erosion protection works at North Entrance.