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Tam, second from left, with his team of artists. Tam, second from left, with his team of artists.
30 June 2013 Posted by 

So You Think You Can Draw....

YOUNG entrepreneur, Tam Cao is following global trends for talent programs and is holding Western Sydney’s first So You think You Can Draw event on July 13.

Tam is an artist in residence at the Albert Street Studios Parramatta.

“So You Think You Can Draw is an event conceptualized on the popularly of talent shows like Masterchef, So You Think You Can Dance and Australian Idol,” said Tam.

The competition involves three rounds of three competitors to determine the finalists. The competition allows artists who are usually privately beavering away in their studio an opportunity to be publicly critiqued and be showcased to the general public.

While modeled on the more serious reality programs, So You Think You Can Draw will have a lighter side, says Tam.

“On hand to facilitate proceedings will be the local C-grade celebrities, the Motel Sisters. Judges on the night include the improv group, Improvisasian and the Shoot From The Hip team.”

Prizes have been donated by Eckersley Art Supply Store in Parramatta.

Tam is part of an initiative program run by Pop Up Parramatta (an initiative of Parramatta City Council) in conjunction with Arts NSW. The program matches projects with otherwise vacant properties to rejuvenate the city, one vacant site at a time.

The evening promises to be an event of fun and sketch madness as nine contestants do battle live in a life drawing competition to see who will be crowned Supreme Master Artist.

Entry is free. All ages welcome and finger food and drinks are provided. So You Can Think You Can Draw will be held on Saturday, July 13 from 2pm to 5pm at 9 Albert St, Parramatta.

You can register at:



Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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