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09 October 2013 Posted by 

Medical myth: sugar makes kids hyperactive

By Tim Crowe 
Associate Professor in Nutrition at Deakin University
ANY parent would tell you that seeing children fuelling up on sugar-laden cake, lollies and soft drinks at a birthday party is a sure-fire recipe for a bunch of rampaging hyperactive kids.
The connection between sugar and hyperactivity is one of the most popular food-behavior myths going around, yet it is one that has been well and truly busted by science.
Where there’s sugar, there must be hyperactive kids – or so says conventional wisdom.  Science says otherwise.
An abundance of published randomised controlled studies have been unable to find any difference in behavior between children who ate sugar (from lollies, chocolate or natural sources) and those who did not.
Even studies that included children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) could not detect any meaningful difference between the behavior of children who ate sugar compared with those who did not.
The most important aspect of all these myth-busting studies is they used a study design where the researchers (or parents) and the children were unaware of whether they were consuming a product containing sugar or a non-sugar substitute.
It is only when you introduce an intentional bias into the experiments – and allow the parents to know what food their child was given – that the real culprit behind the myth emerges.
When parents believe their child has been given a drink containing sugar, they consistently rate their child’s behavior as more hyperactive, even if the drink did not contain any sugar.
So why do kids seem so hyperactive when they consume an abundance of sugar?
It all comes down to the context. When kids are having fun at birthday parties, on holidays, and at family celebrations, sugar-laden food is frequently served.
It’s the fun, freedom and contact with other kids that makes them hyperactive, not the food they consume.
But that doesn’t mean hyperactivity should be ignored. ADHD is a serious behavioral and developmental disorder that can impact on the child’s academic performance and family life.
As such, extreme hyperactivity should be investigated by an appropriate health professional. Simply removing sugar from the child’s diet isn’t going to reduce their hyperactivity.
In fact, eliminating whole food groups in an attempt to treat hyperactivity is an extreme approach that can do more harm than good.
Growing children have different nutrient needs to adults, so eliminating whole foods groups – without a valid medical reason – can affect their growth, overall health, and even later-life food preferences.
Having too much sugar, especially if it is coming from drinks, has been linked to excess weight gain and dental problems in kids.
So even with the sugar equals hyperactivity myth busted, there are valid reasons to restrict how much kids consume.
Associate Professor Tim Crowe is a nutrition academic within the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences and is also an Accredited Practising Dietitian.
He teaches across the undergraduate and postgraduate programs in nutrition dietetics in the areas of nutritional physiology and biochemistry as well as the applied role of nutrition in disease prevention and management, particularly obesity, diabetes and cancer.
He is actively involved in several areas of nutrition research including specialised nutrition in the prevention of surgical complications; malnutrition identification; and nutrition support in wound healing.

Nicole Baines

Nicole Baines runs All My Admin, a business that provides support services to Western Sydney Business Access (WSBA) for its online activities. Call (02) 9894 8682 for assistance.



Website: www.allmyadmin.com.au
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