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Jason Fryer, General Manager of Small Business Services at American Express. Jason Fryer, General Manager of Small Business Services at American Express.
07 November 2013 Posted by 

Small business owners feel disconnected, finds survey

RESEARCH into the attitudes of small business owners has found more than two thirds of Australian shop owners feel forgotten by their local communities and one in four feel no connection at all to the communities where they operate.

 In an effort to connect consumers with small businesses a national Shop Small campaign has been organised. The Shop Small campaign started in the United States and it calls on Australians to support small businesses during November.

The research conducted by Galaxy Research in September and October found despite a strong belief in the importance of small businesses to the health of local communities, local shop-owners are being overlooked when it comes time to buy goods and services.

According to the study small business owners:

• Agree that they are important to their local community (97 per cent) because they offer superior customer service (62 per cent), convenience (62 per cent) and give the community an identity (53 per cent);
• Feel forgotten by their community (65 per cent);
• Acknowledge they are finding it hard to compete (54 per cent) mainly because they are being outspent on advertising or beaten on prices;
• Emphasise that repeat business is important to the success of the business (94 per cent); and
•Admit that losing a regular customer can be an emotional experience (84 per cent), with many feeling upset, confused and even fearful.

Founded by American Express in 2010, Shop Small is credited with stimulating consumer spending with small retailers and service providers in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. This month Shop Small launches in Australia for the first time.

“Employing more than five million Australians, small businesses are the lifeline of our communities and our economy. Yet, they clearly feel overlooked by their own communities,” said Jason Fryer, General Manager of Small Business Services at American Express.

In partnership with American Express, Shop Small is presented by Energy Australia, MYOB, NAB and Virgin Australia.
The movement is supported by Facebook,GIO, Netregistry, Officeworks, COSBOA, Restaurant and Catering Australia, Accommodation Association of Australia, Australian Hotels Association and Tourism Accommodation Australia.

Consumers and businesses can visit www.shopsmallaustralia.com for more information on the program.


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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