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27 July 2019 Posted by 


Finding that spark of authencity

I HAVE completed judging the 2019 Wyong Regional Chamber of Commerce (WRoC) Business Awards and realised this is my 10th year of involvement with the Chamber.

Many of the entrants in this year’s awards fit the definition of micro-business – a very small, very lean operation with one or two employees – who are usually the owners.

They don’t have marketing consultants to write their award entry and many are juggling the demands of working the long hours required for business success with families and community responsibilities.

Their WRoC award entries often have a spark of authenticity that sets them apart. Their entries are written from the heart and the personal investment in the success of the business is absolute. I congratulate them all.

For many local people, starting and running a micro-business is their path to securing permanent employment on the Coast. Self-employment becomes an attractive alternative to the daily grind of the commute.

It can also create opportunities for those with particular expertise to work locally when the only work available in their field would be out of area. In times of significant under-employment becoming a business owner can be a smart option.

Security and Growth

The Coalition does not have strong policies to support the security and growth of the micro business model and that is alarming given it is such an important segment of the Central Coast’s job market.

These are our tradies, hairdressers and coffee van operators. They work incredibly hard and their role in the local economy must be supported. They are also the GPs, specialist lawyers, IT and marketing consultants who choose private practice rather than the increasingly common franchise model.

Every micro business is the potential incubator for the next big business. If they survive their early years (and many do not) they have the opportunity to grow and create local employment for others.

I am looking forward to seeing how the Central Coast Council’s Economic Development Strategy, due for public exhibition in August, embraces local micro businesses.

I would also like to hear from local micro business owners and operators. What are your key challenges and concerns? How should this Federal Government and a future Labor

Government support you? Please feel to email me at emma.mcbride.mp@aph.gov.au and put micro business in the subject line.

I want to hear from you directly about the challenges so I can better represent your needs in Canberra. Jason Clare, the Shadow Minister for Regional Services visited the Coast recently and took keen interest in how to improve the local economy. I will certainly be sharing your feedback with him and other relevant Shadow Ministers so we take practical micro business policies to the 2022 federal election.

Emma McBride is Federal Member for Dobell.


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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