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21 February 2015 Posted by 


Residents urged to roll up their sleaves

WESTERN Sydney Councils are encouraging residents to roll up their sleeves and volunteer for Australia's biggest community-based environmental event, Clean Up Australia Day, on Sunday, March 1.

Clean Up Australia Day inspires thousands of Australians to get outside and clean up their local environment. More than 40 sites have already been registered in the Parramatta local government area.

Lord Mayor of Parramatta, Cr Scott Lloyd, said the focus for this year’s clean-up will be on sites around Lake Parramatta and the Parramatta River.

“The recently launched Our Living River initiative aims to make the Parramatta River and its catchments clean and swimmable by 2025,” he said.

“Clean up Australia Day is a great way for the community to get involved in the initiative as removing litter from our streets and parks helps to reduce the amount of rubbish that is washed into our waterways.

“Last year there were more than 30 registered sites across Parramatta and more than 1.2 tonnes of rubbish was cleaned up. I would love to see an even better result this year.

Volunteers can help at a number of sites across the region.

Registered sites will receive a clean-up kit including bags, gloves, event information and public liability cover.Volunteers should bring gloves, a hat, sturdy shoes and sunscreen.

To register or join a Clean Up Australia Day site visit www.cleanup.org.au


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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