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13 April 2016 Posted by 


Online survey to gauge attitudes

THE local community is being invited to have their say on transport, traffic and parking in the North Sydney Local Government Area, by participating in an online survey.

The survey is part of a comprehensive consultation process being conducted by Council that includes workshops, drop in sessions, surveys and an interactive mapping tool.

North Sydney Mayor Jilly Gibson said a separate survey had been developed for businesses because Council recognised their needs were different to residents and visitors to the area.

“Council understands the important role that our two CBDs and village centres play in both the local and national economy,” Cr Gibson said.

“We may not be able to meet everyone’s demand for parking, but we can look at how traffic flows through the area, manage parking restrictions to encourage turnover and identify and lobby the State Government for improved transport services or new routes.”

The consultation is exploring issues and opportunities across a broad range of topics such as walking and/or cycling safety; disability access; public transport service quality; parking availability and traffic congestion.

Council will use the feedback in the development of three important plans: an overarching transport strategy, a parking strategy and a minor transport works program.

 “Transport in North Sydney is a mixed blessing,” said Cr Gibson.

“On one hand, there are comparatively good public transport options, but the high density means there is congestion and parking is in constant demand.

“This is an opportunity for everyone to get their issues with traffic and transport off their chest. It’s also a chance to tell Council what we could do to make transport, driving, cycling or walking safer and easier in the area.”

In addition to the survey, businesses can get involved by sending written submissions direct to Council or by pinpointing the location of concern using an interactive online mapping tool.  To register for the survey visit yoursay.northsydney.nsw.gov.au/tapas before May 13. 

For more information on the consultation and how to get involved visit:





Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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