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23 July 2016 Posted by 


Small business dumped in reshuffle

THE Council of Small Business of Australia (COSBOA) has questioned why the Small Business portfolio has been downgraded from Cabinet in the Turnbull Government’s new Ministry.

COSBOA’s Chief Executive Officer, Peter Strong, welcomed new Small Business Minister Michael McCormack but said the group was disappointed the portfolio was longer in Cabinet.

“Mr McCormack has the confidence of the sector, however we are disappointed the portfolio has moved from cabinet and we will be seeking answers to why this has happened,” Mr Strong said.

“Small business is powerful, employing around five million Australians and driving the country’s economy, so why has the portfolio moved? What’s happened and what pressures have caused this, perhaps big businesses and unions, are in play?

“In our opinion this is a step backwards for small business.”

Meanwhile, Opposition leader Bill Shorten has announced that former ACT Chief Miniister Katy Gallagher has joined his Shadow Cabinet, taking on Small Business and Financial Services. 

COSBOA says the main issues for small business include: competition policy; creating a viable and effective vocational education and training system; industrial relations; the inclusion of the self-employed in the health framework particularly for mental health; creation of a more efficient superannuation collection process.




Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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