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24 February 2018 Posted by 


Call for Council to pull the trigger
The NSW Government has fired a subtle shot across the bows of the “retrograde” Central Coast Council.

The new council has adopted a “conservative” policy towards development applications and it has angered some members of the State Government that see the Central Coast as the next Western Sydney.

The Liberal government has done it in a sneaky way by handing the ‘broadside” job to a local MLC who took the place of veteran rep Mike Gallacher in the Upper House.

It means the new Central Coast Council is facing its first major stoush. Liberal MLC Taylor Martin called on councilors to reverse the controversial DA referral trigger system.

Mr Martin demanded Council reverse its decision which would see only 15 objections needed to be received for a Development Application to be automatically reviewed by councillors.

The move to reduce the number of objections required, which, according to Mr Taylor, was initiated by Labor Councillors, will mean that Development Applications could take up to 28 days longer to approve.

“This is due to the length of time required to prepare the report to be considered by Council and for a decision to be made. The reduced objection threshold is in addition to other triggers that exist including the ability for councillors to request development applications are reviewed by the full Council.”

Mr Martin said Central Coast residents should expect that their applications be reviewed fairly and consistently.

“If there are any rules that Councillors object to, they should change the Local Environment Plan to ensure there is a clear guide for businesses and residents of what is and isn’t acceptable.”

“Central Coast residents should not be subject to the whims of councillors at late-night council meetings,” he said.

The previous threshold of 50 submissions required to trigger an automatic referral to Council was adopted in 2016 and was consistent with the approach of the former Wyong Council.

Mr Martin said the NSW Government had been working hard to assist councils to reduce the time that it took for a council to determine the outcome of Development Applications.

“To support the Premier’s commitment to deliver 61,000 housing completions on average per year the Government has set a target of 90 per cent of housing approvals determined within 40 days by 2019. The decision by Central Coast Council will jeopardise its ability to reach that target.”
The Central Coast Regional Plan expects the population of the Central Coast will increase from 339,550 in 2016 to 415,050 in 2036. To support the population increase of 75,500, the Central Coast needs will require 24,674 new jobs and 41,500 new dwellings.
 Mr Martin said it was only going to make the Council’s task of accommodating these numbers, of creating more jobs and facilitating the supply of more affordable housing much more difficult if residents have longer approval times for development applications.
 Mr Martin said that the NSW Government and local Liberal Councillors want the region to thrive. “The Labor Party and its Councillors seem to determined for the Central Coast to struggle and fail to meet the needs of residents”.



Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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