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Work is progressing at Wamberal. Work is progressing at Wamberal. Featured
17 August 2020 Posted by 


Govt taskforce drives long-term solution
URGENT work on the construction of the sea wall at Wamberal is well underway, but the team at the site is keeping one eye on the weather maps as they battle to get it finished before the next East Coast Low.
It is critical to the future of the seaside suburb that the wall not only stops destruction of 44 homes hanging by threads, but also saves the low-lying suburb behind the massive sandhills.
An East Coast Low right now would be the worst possible outcome for the construction teams.
Teams representing NSW Government agencies and Central Coast Council are continuing in response to coastal erosion at Wamberal.
Local Recovery Coordinator Lee Shearer said a total of 44 properties had been evacuated following the significant coastal erosion event in mid-July.
“The evacuation order on all affected properties has now been lifted, excluding one home which is still considered at-risk,” Ms Shearer said.
She said 1800 tonnes of rock and 1720 tonnes of rock bags had been placed on Wamberal Beach.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said Ms Shearer was providing an independent link between the NSW Government, Central Coast Council and the affected Wamberal community.
“We are now pivoting from the recovery phase to the long-term planning phase with Dr Phil Watson appointed as Chair of the Wamberal Taskforce,” Mr Crouch said.
“The Taskforce’s first meeting was held on August 11 and we’re off to a flying start.
Taskforce work
“To complement the Taskforce’s work, the NSW Government is requesting that Council employ a dedicated Project Manager to provide day-to-day oversight and ensure planning for the long-term solution remains on track.
“Building a sea wall is absolutely essential to protect the hundreds of millions of dollars of public and private assets along Ocean View Dve.”
Following the cessation of Ms Shearer’s role as the Local Recovery Coordinator, Central Coast Council has established a Local Recovery Coordination Committee to oversee the remaining emergency works and address any residual issues.
Members of the Taskforce will include:
Dr Phil Watson, Independent chair;  
Adam Crouch MP, Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast and Member for Terrigal;
Gary Murphy, CEO of Central Coast Council;
For the duration of her appointment as Local Recovery Coordinator, Lee Shearer APM, to ensure a seamless transition from the recovery phase;
A representative from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (Energy and Science Group);
A representative from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (Planning and Assessment); and
A representative from Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (Crown Lands).
Minister for Local Government Shelley Hancock said the Government is committed to helping councils respond to existing and future challenges arising from coastal management. 
“The Government has already provided $213,118 for Council to develop plans for a long-term solution for Wamberal, and we stand ready to assist Council further,” Mrs Hancock said.
With Wamberal declared a Significant Open Coast Location, Council can apply for funding to implement actions in its Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) at any time.
“I encourage Council to implement actions outlined in its CZMP to mitigate the risk of coastal erosion and to work with the Government to obtain funding to implement solutions. To that end, I have instructed my Department to rapidly assess any funding applications received from the Council.”


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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