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Artist's impression of Bella Vista Farm Park outdoor stage. Artist's impression of Bella Vista Farm Park outdoor stage. Featured
29 August 2013 Posted by 

New Hills arts centre a step closer

HILLS Shire Council has awarded a tender to Auscorp Corporations to build an amphitheatre outdoor stage, subject to Heritage Council approval, at Bella Vista Farm Park.

The new performing arts venue with outdoor stage will help accommodate some of the performances that were held at the Hills Centre and enhance existing Bella Vista Farm Park events like Shakespeare in the Park and Carols by Candlelight.

Hills Shire Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne said that investigating the best solution for performing arts would take place over the current financial year.

“Council has promised to find the best solution for our performing arts community since the Hills Centre was compulsorily acquired by the NSW Government to make way for the North West Rail Link,” Mayor Byrne said.  

“But in the meantime, we’ve been planning an outdoor stage for Bella Vista Farm Park. This will enhance the fantastic productions we’ve already seen at the Park, while attracting more events.

“The construction will occur over three stages and we hope this will attract more people to the wonderful location that is Bella Vista Farm Park.”  

Mayor Byrne said that the stage will be covered and seating arrangements are being investigated for the site.  


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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