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Hand written notes are one way to impress. Hand written notes are one way to impress. Featured
01 January 2014 Posted by 

14 resolutions to create success in 2014

AUSTRALIAN internet entrepreneur Fred Schebesta has revealed 14 resolutions you won’t hear from your boss.

The silly season is upon us. It’s a time for renewal, recharging and resolutions. While many of us are preparing new diet and fitness regimes for 2014.

Mr Schebesta, co-founder of one of the country’s biggest comparison websites finder.com.au, has some business resolutions with a twist.
“Essentially, you need to throw the old business rules out the window,” Mr Schebesta said.

“Workplaces are changing and you have to change as well. If you’re not innovating, you’re being left behind.

“2014 should be your year to make a difference in the office and get things done with a new attitude and a new way of working.”

1. Go towards pain - If you're experiencing pain, go towards it because that's where your best learning comes from.

2. Plan a blank spot in your calendar every day and use this block of time to do random projects that pop up.

3. Pick the phone up – people are scared to talk to each other these days, but having a chat can be the ice breaker you need to cut through the noise.

4. Tell your boss how you really feel – your boss is not a mind reader; good bosses are compassionate and will help you feel good if you let them know how you're feeling. I always tell my crew to get out of the office by working from home or even just going for a walk and getting a fresh juice. It can make a world of difference.  

5. Plan to have fun – you need to take time out from work to enjoy life.

6. Send hand-written notes – traditional letters are so personal and not sent often enough because they are more effort than sending an email but you will be amazed at what impact they can have.

7. Cull everything – one of the simplest ways to know what you truly need is to cut back on everything. Cancelling your credit card for instance and letting the payment failure notices come in is one effective example of this because it allows you to see what you’re really paying for and what you need to cancel.

8. Do what you want to do – life is short and there isn’t time to waste doing things you don’t enjoy. If you’re holding back on something, you’ll regret it later.

9. Be remarkable by increasing your average speed – it’s incredibly difficult to get beyond the noise barrier and do things that get you results or help you achieve your goals. It takes a commitment to increasing your ‘average speed’. If you’re already working hard at something, work that little bit harder and that’s where the results start coming at an exponential rate.

10. Have three clear goals – having too many goals creates a cloudy mind. Having three goals makes it easy to remember them, easy to split your time amongst them and easy to remain focused.

11. Follow the footsteps of successful people – it’s easy to get caught up in a situation where you try to push yourself to create some new idea or invent a new way to achieve what you want. One of the most effective habits you can have in 2014 is to find successful people who have already achieved what you want, and follow the steps they took to get there. You can also benefit from learning through the mistakes they made and avoiding those in your own journey.

12. Back yourself – the biggest person holding you back from achieving your goals is yourself. If you back yourself and be confident you will create the right energy to put yourself in a position to achieve what you want. Everyone is given an opportunity, it’s up to you to put your hand up and take it.

13. Work on your remix – everything is a remix. The trick is to imitate, transform and combine a number of influences to create your own unique mix that makes you who you are. Read books you wouldn’t normally consider, watch movies you wouldn’t normally watch and explore all forms of music. The more you go outside your comfort zone, the better your mix of influences will become.

14. 10x your goals – we often set goals that are too low and as a result we become mediocre. Once you’ve set your goals, multiply them by 10. This will force you to innovate and come up with new ways to get to your end goal that you would have not otherwise considered.

About finder.com.au: finder.com.au is one of Australia’s biggest comparison websites and has helped over 4.8 million Australians find better credit cards, home loans, life insurance, shopping deals and more since 2006. finder.com.au compares 250 credit and debit cards from 31 providers, over 300 home loan products, and information from 13 life insurance providers.

(Source: Google Analytics).


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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