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05 April 2014 Posted by 

Cabra-Vale Diggers wants to build a motel

THE Cabra-Vale Diggers Club seeks build a hotel/motel to overcome a marked shortage of accommodation within the nearby Cabramatta town centre and to boost the local economy.

Cabramatta was an important tourist destination in Sydney’s increasing food industry economy, said a Cityscapeplanning+Projects document commissioned by the club.

“There is currently a distinct lack of short-stay accommodation opportunities within the Cabramatta town centre area, which is having a detrimental impact upon possible future growth of that part of the economy,” it said.

“The provision of new tourism opportunities would therefore promote the growth of that economy segment and could provide a significantly positive impact upon the localeconomy.”

The document said significant employment opportunities would be generated were such accommodated provided.

The proposed site, on the south-western corner of the club premises, is located on the northern fringe of the Cabramatta CBD, providing “excellent” opportunity for short-stay accommodation.

“It is considered that the proposed additional use for hotel and motel accommodation is a compatible use with the existing use of the site as a club,” a council report noted.

The report said no hotels/motels were located currently in the Cabramatta and Canley Vale Town Centre.

“If a 100-room hotel option is advanced for their site the proposed LEP {local environment plan] could generate 80-120 new job opportunities,” the document said.  

The proposed building envelope shows a 5-storey building and a 9-storey tower.

The purpose of the document was to seek an amendment to the Fairfield Local Environment Plan 2013 to allow such a use.

Council endorsed the planning proposal to proceed to gateway determination and that the proposal and masterplan be placed on public exhibition, subject to authorisation by the Department of Infrastructure and Planning.


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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