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How Gen X is driving an acreage property boom across Australia Featured

By John Lindeman

EVERY generation of Australians has left its individual and indelible imprint on the housing market, but it is the current generation of Baby Boomers and their children who are about to make the biggest impacts ever on the demand for acreage properties. John Lindeman, Chief Property Consultant at Property Power Partners explains why and where this is likely to happen.


A small fire started during a routine training exercise at Marrangaroo on October 16 was responsible for a larger blaze Featured

 By Anthony Stavrinos

THE pilot killed while assisting fire fighting efforts on the NSW South Coast has been identified by the Rural Fire Service as David Black.


The new Pirtek Parramatta Stadium brand. Featured

SPORTS Minister Gabrielle Upton, has joined Venues NSW Chairman John Quayle and Pirtek CEO Stephen Dutton to announce Pirtek as the new naming rights sponsor for Parramatta Stadium.


Flying kangaroo hops away from Richmond for $80m Featured

By Red Dwyer

THE Flying Kangaroo has fled one of the largest defence industry clusters in Australia in pursuit of selling non-core assets in recent years.


Artist's impression of Bella Vista Farm Park outdoor stage. Featured

HILLS Shire Council has awarded a tender to Auscorp Corporations to build an amphitheatre outdoor stage, subject to Heritage Council approval, at Bella Vista Farm Park.


Diabetes and presenteeism threatens growth Featured

By Mike Walls

PLANS to further develop Western Sydney as a hub for economic growth are unrealistic unless Australia takes the fight against chronic disease and ‘presenteeism’ more seriously, says the Australian Diabetes Council (ADC).


OPINION: Australia’s largest football nursery is reborn Featured

By Theo Fotopoulos

AFTER 10 years of football wilderness since the former National Soccer League (NSL) was shut down dramatically by the newly appointed Frank Lowy-led administration with former rugby boss John O’Neill at the helm, one of Australia’s largest football nurseries had been ignored and was now reborn again in the form of Western Sydney Wanderers FC.


MOTORING: They're a robust lot in Auto Alley Featured

By Kate Hill
Partner Deloitte Private

I STILL remember the excitement of buying my first car. It was a much pre-loved Mini, and the feeling of freedom it gave me is something I’ll always remember.


Limited FREE tickets to business success event Featured

By Anthony Stavrinos

“IT stands to reason that businesses are more likely to seek guidance on improving their performance when encountering a problem or crisis”, says executive business coach Ralph Anania.


Stepahnie Dale. Featured

PARRMATTA Chamber of Commerce president Stephanie Dale has climbed the male-dominated corporate ladder to access the elusive board room and has strong views on the often-coined glass ceiling.


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The Central Coast Sun covers the business and community issues of the NSW Central Coast region. The Central Coast Sun is a prime media source for connecting with the pulse of the region and tapping into it's vast opportunities.