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Nancy George addresses the Sydney Hills Business Chamber. Nancy George addresses the Sydney Hills Business Chamber.
29 September 2013 Posted by 

Forget B2B or B2C it’s now B2P – Business to People

THE business and retail landscapes have changed. It is no longer retailer / supplier / brand run in a bricks and mortar location or face to face business that is conducted in an office with products and services of the business’ choosing.

Anyone who sells a service or product is a retailer by today’s definition. It is no longer a B2B or B2C environment - it is now B2P, Business to People, says Nancy George, a retail expert who presented at the Sydney Hills Business Chamber on September 25.

“The consumer is the driver and the playing field is offline, online and mobile! Given the current retail climate, it is now more important than ever to get back to basics to ensure that your business’ foundation is based on sound fundamentals,” said Nancy.

Do you know how your customer behaves in today’s connected world? Do you really know who your customer is and what they want? Do you know what the customer is doing online, how they connect, what tools they use in the retail space that impact how they interact with every business they deal with?

“Gone are the days when the customer deals with their bank manager, accountant, newsagent, shoe shop in different ways. The expectation and interaction is the same,” she says.
During her presentation, Nancy will showed what the customer is doing and offered some tips and tools for navigating the new environment.

Nancy is a retail strategist, with over 25 years’ experience in retail, marketing, strategic planning, wholesale, product development, customer service, training & manufacturing in a diverse range of retail environments and product categories, in Australia, Asia, USA and Europe.

She started Magnolia Solutions in response to an increasing demand from retailers for marketing support.

She works with retailers, shopping centres, councils, chambers of commerce, manufacturers and service providers on all aspects of their business based on practical experience within the retail industry.

As the Social Media Women co-founder she organises monthly meetings in Sydney and invites experts to share their journey in an extension of her sharing of information.

Nancy is a keynote speaker and trainer on a wide range of topics that are focused on all aspects of retail, especially; Retail Fundamentals, The New Customer, Social Media, Website & E-Commerce, Customer Service and Strategic Planning.


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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