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28 December 2017 Posted by 


Coffee shop economics alive and well
THERE was once a rumour that a Central Coast business had become so frustrated about the lack of construction activity in Gosford that they wanted to place a crane on a vacant block in the city, just to make it look like something was happening.
The feeling then was that the Central Coast was a ‘forgotten region’.
In 2017, I believe we can shed this tag at last. We have dismissed any need for these sorts of stunts. In 2017, we saw Gosford – and with it, our Central Coast region – turn a corner towards a brighter, stronger and more prosperous future.
Nothing in my mind is a greater example of this than with the opening of the new Australian Taxation Office (ATO) building in Gosford. It’s now open for business with new staff commencing work over the last few weeks.
In total the Coalition Government is delivering 600 new jobs in this Commonwealth Agency building – more than double our original commitment which we made back before the 2013 election. 
One of the first events at the building was “Hello Gosford”, where representatives from local businesses were invited to see a snapshot of the work performed across the ATO. 
It was a showcase of tax and superannuation help and support, digital services and cyber security tips for individuals, small businesses and tax professionals.
In time, the new office will also establish a vital link with tertiary campuses in the area. This will provide potential employment links and career opportunities for our young people.
But more than that, the new workers will catapult the phenomenon I like to call ‘coffee shop economics’ – driving even more activity to local cafés, local restaurants and other small businesses in Gosford and surrounds.
Of course, while the Government’s commitment was always about the jobs, not the building, it’s clear that the building itself has quickly become a symbol. This success and design is a symbol not of Gosford’s past – but our future.
United in partnership with the vision of the NSW Government, Central Coast Council and the work of the many outstanding organisations delivering new and exciting developments across the region, we are on a roll.
Another prime example is the Central Coast Medical School and Medical Research Institute – an $85M project with $45M from the Federal Coalition Government, and $20M each from the State Government and University of Newcastle. This will be a world-class game changer for health, education and patient care.
In 2017, we’ve also seen major projects being delivered including:
Work underway on our commitment to upgrade targeted local roads, including Ryans Rd at Umina Beach and the intersection of Langford Dr and Woy Woy Rd at Kariong.
Acting on the Peninsula GP crisis to help boost access to doctors, with three new GPs now here thanks to a major community initiative, with more to follow.
Upgrading McEvoy Oval at Umina Beach with new modern facilities, with funding delivered by the Federal and State Governments, Council and local sporting clubs.
Farmers on the Central Coast will benefit from a grant to establish a co-operative aimed at bringing a new business model.
More CCTV cameras at Copacabana and Terrigal being installed.
Major progress towards delivering better mobile coverage in black spots in Killcare, Spencer and on the railway line between Wyong and Hornsby.
So with 2017 almost behind us, I’d like to wish you and your family a relaxing and refreshing Christmas and New Year.
I’m confident that by listening and working side by side with our community, we will achieve even greater things in 2018.
Lucy Wicks is Federal Member for Robertson.


Michael Walls
0407 783 413

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